Monday, November 15, 2010

Saving Face(book)

"Let's see.. more love poems from a facebook friend? Not again!"
photo by Trevor

Dear Alisha,

I’m on Facebook but don’t send many friend requests. I like keeping up with the people currently in my life. But for most people – especially those from my past that I never see - I’m usually okay keeping in touch in a Christmas card sort of way.

Recently an ex-boyfriend “friended” me. This relationship went down in flames. FLAMES. And it was all my doing. We haven’t spoken since the breakup – it’s been well over a decade – though we have several mutual friends.

I’m married. He’s not.

I accepted his friend request. Mostly because we have mutual friends, and since I don’t have hard feelings against him (I crashed the relationship), it seemed like the mature life-isn’t-high-school-anymore thing to do.
Still, it just seems weird. I don’t particularly care to keep up with him and (honestly) prefer to drop him. But we really do have a lot of mutual friends. So I’m not sure if I should act like a grown up and stick it out.

What do you think? What should I do with my unwanted friend?


Hiding on Facebook

Dear Saving Face(book),

First I'll give you the short answer: if you don't want to be friends with someone on a social network, don't be.

The longer discussion would be that "friends" on facebook are usually a mix of casual and close friends. I have many facebook friends that would not make the Christmas card list. Not because I don't like them, it's just that neither of us would feel the need. So if it was just a sensitive friend, I'd say what's the big deal?

However, you're bringing up the ex-boyfriend issue. Based on your dramatic past, it does sound like de-friending him would hurt his feelings. ("How many times can I be rejected by her!?") My opinion with ex-boyfriends: it's always better to err on the side of being cautious and not be facebook friends. We've all heard of old flames reconnecting and trouble starting. Glenn Beck says 120% of divorces can be traced to facebook romances! That said I have a couple of guys I dated casually, techincally ex's, who I am sure are not still in love with me, hanging out in my friend pile. But I have many ("many?") that I would not be friends with. Who's to say they're completely over me? (*wink*)

You can adjust your friend settings so that some of your friends see just basic information about you but not your status updates, while others get the full story. Both types are still listed as your friend. That might be the middle road, keeping this ex out of your life but also keeping him from jumping off a bridge. [It probably goes with out saying, but don't make the posts he can see glamor shots of yourself or "what do you guys think of my new bikini?" photos or changing your relationship status to "it's complicated".] Still, if that makes you uncomfortable, remember you don't owe him anything. Just de-friend.

Here is a similar chaser question:

Dear Alisha,

What is is your opinion on the etiquette of old girlfriends/boyfriends on facebook? I don't ever add old flames as friends, but recently, my husband's old girlfriend sent me a friend request (my husband does not have a facebook account). I don't want to seem immature or jealous, but at the same time, I frankly don't care what she is "doing right now", and think it is weird she wants to check out my husband and kids. And, although we have a couple of mutual friends, I have not actually ever met this girl. How would you handle this?

Nix on the vixen

Dear Nix the Vixen,

See above. If you don't want her as a facebook friend, then just ignore her request. You must not be as curious as I am. I would jump at the chance to peek into the life of one of my husband's ex-girlfriends. Then I'd be disappointed over how boring/blah she inevitably would be.


Barrack Obama said...

GLENN BECK? You're listening to GLENN BECK? Doesn't anyone like me anymore?

Janalee said...

Oh you didn't know? Alisha LOVES Glenn Beck.

Alisha said...

Trust me, I'm not listening to Glenn Beck.

Bekah: said...

I knew a deep dark ugly secret of yours would come out. And here it came, ever so queitly out of the dark corner, you quoted Glenn Beck!

Rhodes Trip said...

I love that the first 4 comments are directed to the Glenn Beck "slip" (or non-slip, however you want to look at it) and so far nothing referring to the post's subject. . . okay, make that the first 5 comments. . . tehehehe. . .

Carrie Ann, Len and Bruno said...

Alisha's probably also been secretly voting for Bristol Palin on "Dancing With The Stars".

Carrie said...

Both people don't feel comfortable about the situation - so don't "friend" them.
I don't see why this is such a big deal. It's just Facebook.

And if they get all offended that they aren't "friended" then that's their problem, not yours, it's really not something to get mad about.
I think that if they really wanted to be friends with you, not "friends", then they would send you a message to catch up or whatever, not just a friend request.

It's just Facebook people!

Rebecca said...

I have no problems friending ex boyfriends on facebook nor do I have a problem with my husband being friends with ex girlfriends. I love seeing what they are up to (yes, I also look at my husband's friends). I don't post super personal stuff on facebook so I am not embarrassed for them to see what I post. Even if I thought one of 2 of them may be harboring regret at losing out on such a great what? Not my problem. To me they are just friends and my husband and I are madly in love.

That being said, if I didn't feel comfortable accepting a friend request I just would ignore it.

Rachel D said...

Saw this and thought of you. Jimmy Kimmel's National Un-Friend Day:

Crystal Pistol said...

One of my closest BFFs friended an old boyfriend. He was in the bishopric in his ward.

They chatted and slowly decided they weren't over each other. She left her family for him. Then he dumped her and went back to his wife (who was prego with their 4th child).

I wish I were making this up.

Facebook can be tricky. Careful, ya'll.

If I ever kissed the guy (and there is a long, embarrasing list) he ain't my friend.

Alisha said...

Well Crystal, I think you brought the house down with that comment. It must have been the dose of (harsh) reality we needed.

Crystal Pistol said...

Sorry to crash the party. Hope it wasn't too harsh.

I've seen a lot of nasty harsh realities this year.

Lots of broken hearts.

I want to warn as many people as I can.

Alisha said...

No, not too harsh! I think you just showed how serious it can be.