Dear Alisha,
Baby girl hair accessories…please discuss.
Say No to the Big Bow
Note to readers: this is my kind of question! Short, brimming with complaint, and about babies. Say No Big Bow even included links to hair-bow-challenged babies. So thank you. Thank you.
Dear Say No to the Big Bow,
I enjoy both large accessories* and making babies look foolish, yet the trend of giant, loud hair bows for babies has grown out of control.
See what I mean:
[Let's just get this out of the way, the babies are all adorable, despite the hair accessories.]
Who's really the turkey?
I am trying to think of a kind way to say 'I think these bows are tacky beyond words'.
I am trying to think of a kind way to say 'I think these bows are tacky beyond words'.
I feel so sorry for this (cute) baby. What are her chances for a tasteful childhood? Who will teach her?
She needs a pot of flowers on her head!
I like the little glued on bows. When else in life will she get the chance?
I like the little glued on bows. When else in life will she get the chance?
I wasn't sure how I felt about headbands before I had a daughter, but they have their place. Let's say you are very bald, they establish a hairline.
I bought these cute, smaller sized headbands off etsy from Sweet Violet Kisses.
If you like the giant flower trend, enjoy it, flower it up. Just keep in mind this is a trend that will look dated at some point (like a year ago), so don't take every photo with a bouquet on your head.
Is it just me and Say No Big Bow? Would you like to disagree? I can totally handle it. Discuss.
*unnecessary side story: In 7th grade I wore my hair pulled back in a ponytail, bangs fluffed in front, with a giant decorative bow over the pony holder. My mom learned how to make these enormous bows at a homemaking night and I loved them. I wore them frequently enough to earn me the nick name "Big Bow", only it was sung to the tune of a 7-11 commercial that said "Mobile Judge" (does anyone remember those commercials??). So I get it.