Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Blasmephous Rhumors

Wait, what's with the graininess of this photo? My skin looked flawless in iphoto!! And my finger looks like it belongs to a stubby witch!

Lately, I have had a couple of conversations with trusted friends who, naturally, have asked about my blog. After praising my wise advise and hanging on my every word, they seemed surprised to learn that I do not make up the Dear Alisha questions.

"But those questions sounds like what you like to talk about". Of course they do! For two reasons: Most people asking the questions know me and know my many areas of expertise. The second is I pick and choose which questions I want to answer.

The Questions truly are anonymous. I do not know who asks the questions unless they sign with their real name. Let's keep this an option by only asking appropriate questions, shall we? A tip- ask an interesting question in an interesting way, and keep it fairly short.

If you have asked a good question that you think deserves an answer but I have over looked your plea, the answer might still be coming. Or it probably won't hurt to ask again.

Thank you Dear Readers! Rest assured the questions are real and vital.


Chris Packard said...

You make me smile, Alisha. Thanks for the help on the pillows, by the way. I find myself systematically taking all pillows off everything and stacking them on the floor these days. What does that say about me??

Janalee said...

vital. like alive? or essential.

Janalee said...

ok, click off the moderation - I hate it!

MMW said...

Even Ann and Abby (twin sisters no less) had to start somewhere. Who cares if you make up the questions or not. It's always great to hear what you have to say - in person OR online.

Rachel D said...

I'd like to bear my testimony, I know Dear Alisha's questions are true. After some pondering (but no prayer), I asked the Wise One and have twice received answers. She didn't edit my questions at all.

Plus I think there are several posts that you acknowledge as being your own, Alisha - Justin's hair, compbragging, or the Scrooge lead-in to posting picture of your Christmas dinner place settings.

Rebecca Larsen said...

Keep up the clever titles.

Jana, there's a live links commercial that airs here in Utah (you know, a chat-line/dating service) and your pose reminds me of the girl on there being all cute for the cam.