Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lost in Transformers

from Traditional Home
Dear Alisha,

I have two boys that have to share a room. One likes Transformers and the other likes Hot Wheels. I like neither. How do I decorate their rooms in way that they will love and that I can tolerate?

Lost in Transformers and Hot Wheels

Dear Lost,

I am going to take a deep breathe and
try to be patient with you as I attempt to shed some light on your design dilemma. That you would even consider decorating a room with Hot Wheels or Transformers lets me know that I have my work cut out for me. Why on earth would you think to base a room design on the temporary play toy of a child? Do you plan on redecorating a 9 months from now when your children have moved on to Legos and dinosaurs? Hey! I like watching The Office, should I buy an official Office bedspread for my own room?

Rather than commit to such a limited "theme", think of a room that encourages imaginative play or is just pleasing to the eye. Seeing the same image over and over again, like a Transformer bed cover and Transformer pillows with a Transformer wall decal becomes
boring as well as tacky. It is limiting to the mind and does not encourage kids to think and dream. If you must have a theme, something like a silhouette of a city painted on the walls could look nice. (If I'm not mistaken, both Transformers and Hot Wheels favor the city, right?) Just make sure the room looks good regardless of what toy or fad your children are going threw. Don't forget that the adults own the house.

A few notes:
I recommend classic, somewhat basic furniture that works for a toddler but won't embarrass a teenager. Because new kids furniture is almost always cheaply made, full of chemicals, and over priced; I almost always buy children's furniture off Craigslist.

Pick a color scheme and make it livable to all members of the house. If you are the type that wants to involve your boys in the decision making process, work with their favorite color and remind them that their bedspread is green because that was what they said they liked.

Pick out the bedding before you buy the paint. Paint it easy to customize and bedding is not.

Do not make the foolish mistake of taking your children to a store and say "which bedspread looks good to you"?! Of course the child will pick the Sponge Bob or Diego cover, they don't know better. It is our job as parents to save them. A better idea would be to bring home two different bedspreads, both of which you approve of and works with your color scheme, and let your child pick between the two.

I have found that my boys did not know exactly what they wanted in a bedroom besides it being cool. I considered their interests and preferences while designing the room, but it was ultimately my plan. They were happy and felt special and catered to when they saw the room finished.
To get your mind out of the Design Gutter, I stole these pictures of cool boys rooms for you. Most of these same rooms I have pulled out of magazines and have sitting in my design notebook.

What could be more inspiring than my own boys bedroom? I love the beds, bought from an estate sell found on Craigslist. The mural was a compromise. I won't lie, it was rough. I think we all like the end results but I don't know if any of us love it. (don't be angry baby)

The rest of these images our from Domino Magzine- Oh how I miss you.
Adventurous with out dumbing down the furniture or the fabrics.

Boy Chic.

Don't you love the dramatic but controlled color palatte? A red accent wall would have ruined the room. Note that you don't have to match the toys.How can you not love a childs room based around a chinese red dresser?

Boy/Girl room is saved by classic matching bed frames and a sensible rug.


Ksenia said...

I love that first image. Is that really a kids bedroom?

Ksenia said...

P.S. Good advice. Decorating with transformers and hot wheels would be "blah"

Justin Garrity said...

The first two pictures are our photos of our boys room. The mural was inspired by a background image in the animated series, "Samurai Jack". I like the show for the artwork and so we thought it would make a nice mural.

Alisha and I have had many co-design projects together in our homes. Many of the rooms eventually end up with Alisha doing most of the designing, checking with me for approval, and then requesting a mural to tie it all together. I think I have painted seven murals in our last three homes total with three in our current home. This particular one was rough. We agreed on the concept but the execution led to some tension. Each color choice was met with severe arguments. So much so that we almost called off all future mural projects.

I love this boys room and am very happy with it. So when Alisha says "we" aren't totally happy with it, she means her. I do think it needs crown molding to finish it off.

Maybe part of the reason Alisha isn't totally happy with it is because she recalls these moments that truly tested our marriage. (for the record, almost all of our big "fights" have been over color and design choices in our marriage)

Anonymous said...

Aren't Hot Wheels and Transformers Aren't there some classy car-themes that would work, and aren't too baby-ish?

Here's a picture I found as an idea...I don't know how old "Lost in Transformer's" boys are, but this should be cool until they're about 10. I like the license plates.

Here's another. I love the hubcaps on the walls.

Okay, I'm not sure about the padded vinyl headboard in this one, but I guess it's supposed to be a car seat?

Anonymous said...

Sorry the links didn't work for those pictures. You have to cut and paste them into your URL. Except the last one. Here's the actual link.

Lori said...

How funny that this comes up today. I was talking with Ryan about redecorating his room and of course he came up with his latest favorite thing. I quickly told him no b/c that's not going to last long. So I said we could look at other kids' rooms and see how they decorated it and what he liked. The first thing he thought of was Trevor's room. So now he wants mountains and trees as well. So...... maybe Justin can come do a mural at our house. I promise not to disagree or argue about anything. I'm not picky!!!!

Mandee said...

I love the idea of decorating a boys room around a map and globes! It's different, really cool looking, and would work for any age. But best of all everyone that went into his room would think he was smart... I love your boys bedroom too!

I don't know if you remember the "rose petal cottage" playhouse in my girls room. Is that something that should be kept out all the time? It's so cute that I actually got bedding to match it and was planning on painting and decorating the room around it... what is your honest opinion? Google "rose petal cottage" if you forgot what it looked like.

Alisha said...

Anonymous, I don't know who you are but the rose petal cottage looks like a nice play toy. I would incorporate it into the room but I don't know if I would base my whole room around it unless I just liked those colors anyways.

Sorry All, Justin is not available for murals. He is hardly willing to do them for his own boys or me.

Mandee said...

It's AWESOME not anonymous! How many times do I have to tell you!! You SO did that deliberately this time. Just acknowledge my awesomness Alisha ;) Thanks for the advice... "pretending you don't know who I am" (mumbled under breath)

Janalee said...

Does anyone else read posts such as these, turn away from your computer, take in your own slovenly pit, sigh, and slump your shoulders in despair?

agree about the character bedding/clothes. I would have said the exact same thing -minus the gorgeous pictures

Alisha said...

Sorry Awesome!!! I scanned the comment and 'Awesome' looks like Anonymous to me. You have to realized I am not always very good with details.
Keep up with the comments.

Not So Lost said...

Thank you for answering my lost in Transformer question. Let's just be clear on one thing. While I want my boys to have a room that is exciting and fun for them to be in and one that they feel they "helped" decorate-I would NEVER succumb to cartoon bedding in any form. That is just sad! I love your ideas. I wanted to know how I could incorporate some kind of Transformer-esque something into the decor that would be interesting for all parties involved. Whether that be a funky mural/wall art that can be removed when said phase is over/ or maybe something in the vintage Transformer, Hot Wheel realm that would help the boys know it was their room but really it was mom's room. :) Thanks for your effort. I especially LOVE the yellow and white striped ceiling with the blue dresser and accent wall-Stunning! I will send you pictures when I am through for you to critique.

Carrie said...

I hate when kids' rooms are decorated based on something so specific as a toy or cartoon, etc. That's why I HATE Extreme Makeover Home Edition. They find one item in a room and go crazy with know those kids are going to outgrow it within a year. My husband and I always joke about them finding something obscure and going crazy designing with it, like dirty socks or something.

Rachel D said...

I love the first picture (green and brown room at the very top of the post). It's a color scheme - not a “theme.” The decorations look thoughtfully selected to be both appealing in the room and appealing and playful to the children who live there. A child could display his soccer trophy, Lego creation, school art project, etc. in this room without them looking out of place or detracting from the room's cohesiveness.

(Alisha, please avert your eyes. My ideas are much less refined than yours, so let's just acknowledge you cringing at my redneck self and move on.) Maybe Lost could try an idea similar to that top photo but with different colors. She could have her tasteful, mother-directed main pieces but leave some shelving and wall space to let the boys add their personality.

I could see mounting Hot Wheels in a shadowboxes and hanging them, or at least displaying a small shadowbox on a shelf. I can think of a dozen decorative or practical uses for a vintage metal Transformer or Hot Wheel lunchbox. There are also some large Transformers that don't transform - they just look impressive - that you could display. Or buy some cool hat pegs and hang the Optimus Prime, Megatron, and Bumblebee helmet trifecta. Your boys will love to play with them, then hung as a group the helmets would take up wall space. Anyway, I can think of a lot more options but I’m already shuddering at the comment repercussions. My point is – I think there are ways you can incorporate the toys without ruining the aesthetics of the room. You want pieces that tie the room together, but I’d still want the décor to be relaxed enough that my child can display his (insert prized possession/creation here).

As for Alisha's cityscape idea (and assuming you don’t have Justin’s mural skills), I think PBK had black chalkboard material mural for sale a while ago when they had a superhero collection. You could probably find one on eBay or sketch one out, then paint with chalkboard paint. I love the idea of children being able to draw on their walls. :)

Good luck!

Rebecca said...

Thanks for the post. I am looking for inspiration to decorate my boys' room one of these days. So far the white walls and lack of beautiful bedding haven't been a pressing concern for any of us, but one day I hope to get around to it.

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